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華人長老會寶活堂是位於雪梨寶活區 (Burwood) 的長老宗教會。本會以粵語和國語為媒介,並以小組模式實行肢體相交生活,服侍當地華人,傳揚福音,造就信徒。


Who We Are:

Chinese Presbyterian Church Burwood is located in Burwood, Sydney.   Through Cantonese and Mandarin, and with our “cell group” structure to be in fellowship, we serve the local Chinese, to spread the Gospel and to build disciples.




We are an Australian Presbyterian church and a full member church of the NSW and Sydney Inner West Presbytery.


1998年,一群雪梨華人長老會(Chinese Presbyterian Church, Sydney, CPC)的粵語會眾奉派到寶活區建立教會分堂,採取與西人長老會聖雅各堂(St James Presbyterian Church)合夥模式,傳揚福音,造就信徒。








A brief history of us:

In 1998, a group of members of the Chinese Presbyterian Church, Sydney (CPC) were sent on a mission to set up a branch in Burwood.  In partnership with the St James Presbyterian Church a Cantonese branch was accordingly planted in Burwood.

In 1999, by God’s grace and with the blessings of CPC and the Presbytery, the branch became independent and was named Burwood Chinese Presbyterian Church.

In 2004, the Burwood premise struggled to accommodate the rising numbers and through prayers, it was agreed in the Annual General Meeting to seek a new church premise.

In 2010, the new church premise in Lidcombe was completed and the Church was renamed GracePoint Chinese Presbyterian Church.

In 2011, the Church adopted the model of “One Church Two sites” whereas the Burwood premise became Burwood Worship Centre and continued to hold services.

In 2012, in order to have more independence and flexibility in development and management, Burwood Worship Centre lodged application to the Presbytery to become an independent church.

In 2013, the application was approved by the Presbytery and the Centre was renamed Chinese Presbyterian Church Burwood.

In 2014, Mandarin services were started.

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